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Stealth 14 GT ‘Wow’

Helen Ruud and David Liddell talking about ‘Wow’.

“​Helen and I purchased WOW a Stealth 14GT in 2015 as Blue Water racer/cruiser. The first year was spent in Phuket making sure everything was in hand for wider exploration. In 2016 we started our Blue Water cruising across the Indian Ocean heading for S Africa and the Cape to Rio Race in Jan 2017. The race started very well but unfortunately we broke the daggerboards (we were doing 20 knots in vicious cross seas!) and had to abort to Namibia.  Asia Catamarans were very helpful and supplied new (stronger) boards within a few weeks and I flew back to the boat with them.

We set off across the South Atlantic in early Feb arriving in Grenada a few months later.

In 2018 we cruised the Caribbean and were able to fit in some races including the Caribbean 600 and the Heineken Regatta in St Maarten (which we won!!). Eventually leaving the boat in Guatemala. 

2019 was spent in the Central America. In 2020 we plan to cross the Pacific!

WOW has proved a capable. comfortable and extremely rapid sailing vessel and we would have no hesitation in recommending the design to others”.